The Morning Show
Brixton Busyness
Street University
A Creative Life
Album of the Week
What's on London
S61 Mix

Radio + Market
We represent the voices of the young, old, the ordinary and the change-makers of Brixton.

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Bursting with ideas about a radio show you could host? Let's collaborate! Respond to our open call for collaborators and get involved, download PDF here↑
Join our live chats and announcements on the Studio 61 Discord channel where we share information about upcoming events, new projects and a lot more
Subscribe to the Studio61 newsletter to follow everything we've been upto and planning :)

@skankingstar is looking for this record

A glimpse from the Corporate Gaze Proto-exhibition

If you have a project in mind and want to take it to the next level, join us for this creative economies and innovation course

A glimpse from the Corporate Gaze Proto-exhibition
A glimpse from the Corporate Gaze Proto-exhibition

A glimpse from the Corporate Gaze Proto-exhibition

A glimpse from the Corporate Gaze Proto-exhibition
We document our past and future events on Instagram. Follow us there to see what we're upto. We are @ideafactorybrixton
While the Idea Factory Radio is place-based and is a community benefit effort, our Studio61 wing is not place-based & offers a range of professional services.
You will find all our new episodes uploaded here on IdeaFactoryRadio MixCloud. Sometimes, we also go LIVE!